Partners with

trees planted
tonnes of CO₂
absorbed during lifetime

At Gig and Grow, we provide comprehensive support for the finance administration of hardworking and fast-growing entrepreneurs. Through our collaborative approach and expertise, we ensure that businesses’ administration and workflows are optimized swiftly and efficiently.

We are not only committed to making a positive impact on our clients and our people but also on our planet, which is why we want to give back to the environment and partnering up with Go Forest is a valuable part of that mission.

By planting a certain amount of trees per month, which represent the number of superheroes working at Gig & Grow, we’re devoted to contributing to reforestation efforts, supporting our beautiful planet and fostering a sustainable future.

We proudly joined hands with Madagascar for gender equality in all aspects of life, giving also women a place they deserve in society. An empowerment Gig & Grow holds dearly, being 100% female-led.


Every year, in January, your year result of the previous period is registered in blockchain with a timestamp and displayed in the Sustainability Checker App.
Check certificate

Care for communities

At Go Forest, we don’t just plant trees. We engage in much more, such as ensuring sustainable support for local communities. We do so by using the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which serve as a blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and in the future. Depending on the region and the project, you’ll be supporting different SDGs.
1 No poverty
2 Zero hunger
5 Gender equality
8 Decent work and economic growth
10 Reduced inequalities
12 Responsible consumption and production
13 Climate action
14 Life below water
15 Life on land
17 Partnerships for the goals