Reforestation in Peru (on hold)

Amazon Rainforest, Peru
With our reforestation partner Camino Verde, it is our mission to restore the forest landscapes of the Amazon by strengthening forest communities. Our approach centers on linking restoration activities to the production of non-timber forest products that offer improvements to quality of life. When doing a reforestation project in Peru, we sometimes reforest from the ground up, in the way you might be imagining: a bare, completely deforested parcel is planted with seedlings that then fill in the bare area on the map with the greenery of tree c...Read more
trees planted
tonnes of CO₂
absorbed during lifetime
reforestation regions
400 +
tree species
130 ha
of forest in restoration


Care for communities

At Go Forest, we don’t just plant trees. We engage in much more, such as ensuring sustainable support for local communities. We do so by using the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which serve as a blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and in the future. Depending on the region and the project, you’ll be supporting different SDGs.
1 No poverty
2 Zero hunger
8 Decent work and economic growth
11 Sustainable cities and communities
12 Responsible consumption and production
13 Climate action
15 Life on land
17 Partnerships for the goals