Reforestation in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, Go Forest and Sylva Nova reforest because forests fight climate change, support biodiversity, capture CO2, cool us down, gets the soil healthier, gives out oxygen, and provide a home for fauna, birds, and insects. Thanks to the diversification of the species and the renaturalization of the forest, reforestation will contribute to increasing the ecosystem services of the forest and will provide it with better resilience. This approach, even if limited, towards diversification is appreciable in regions where the economic mon...Read more
trees planted
tonnes of CO₂
absorbed during lifetime
bark beetle
as a threath


Care for communities

At Go Forest, we don’t just plant trees. We engage in much more, such as ensuring sustainable support for local communities. We do so by using the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which serve as a blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and in the future. Depending on the region and the project, you’ll be supporting different SDGs.
13 Climate action
15 Life on land
17 Partnerships for the goals